Terms for Downloading: Matching Pursuits Software

                               (revised October 1994)

This form specifies the terms under which the software and documentation
on this site are provided. 

Software is distributed as is, completely without warranty or service
support. The University of California and its employees are not liable for
the condition or performance of the software.

The University owns the copyright in and all other proprietary rights to
all software and documentation provided under this agreement.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University does not warrant that it
owns such copyright or other proprietary rights. The University shall not
be liable for any infringement of copyright or other proprietary rights
brought by third parties against the licensee of the software and
documentation provided under this agreement.

The University for California hereby disclaims all implied warranties
including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. The University is not liable for any damages incurred
by the recipient in use of the software and documentation including
direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages.

The University of California grants the licensee the right to modify, copy
and redistribute the software and documentation, both within the
licensee's organization and externally, subject to the following

(a)    The licensee agrees not to charge for the University of California
code itself. The licensee may, however, charge for additions,
extensions, or support.

(b)    In any product based on the software, the licensee agrees to
acknowledge the research group that developed the software.  This
acknowledgment shall appear in the product documentation.

(c)    The licensee agrees to obey all U.S. Government restrictions
governing redistribution or export of the software and documentation.

(d)    For software with additional restrictions (any software listed in
Section 2), the licensee agrees to all additional terms governing
distribution of that software.

(e)    The licensee agrees to reproduce any copyright notice which
appears on the software and documentation provided under this agreement
on any copy or modification of such made available to others by the

Click here if you DO AGREE to the above terms

Click here if you DO NOT AGREE to the above terms.