UC Berkeley Video and Image Processing Lab

UCB VIP Lab Announcements



Important Links

 * Script to convert Postscript slides/paper into HTML pages (3/19/96)
I've created a shell script to take any Postscript file, generate GIF images of every page, and create the appropriate HTML files necessary to make a slide show. Once you obtain a copy of ps2html, you will need to first customize the script for your files. The syntax is simply:
ps2html num "title of slides"
To see some examples, check out Nelson's IMDSP96 talk, Nick's SPIE96 talk, and Ed's SPIE96 talk. Please let me know if there are any bugs or problems. Note that this program requires over 20 MB of /tmp/ space so you may want to run it on ferdowsi.
 * LaTeX slides with lab logo: LANDSCAPE (2/28/96)
For those of you interested in a landscape version of the VIP slides format, I've set up links to the appropriate files. These slides have "UC Berkeley Video and Image Processing Lab" at the top and are displayed in color. The files you'll need are Note that with the landscape format, you'll need to add flags for both xdvi and dvips. Let me know if there are any problems with these files.
 * Search engine for accesses (2/15/96)
A rudimentary cgi script has been created to search through the most recent access log file. Now you can find out who's been checking out your homepage!
 * Search engine for publication list (11/12/95)
A rudimentary cgi script has been created to search though our publication list. It allows the user to look for certain keywords and authors using the unix grep command.
 * Scripts to update publication list (11/10/95)
We have created a forms-based entry program to update the lab's publications list. Please help to keep the list current by adding links to papers and revise entries if they are incorrect. Also report any bugs!
 * LaTeX slides with lab logo: PORTRAIT (10/3/95)
Some people have expressed interest in the slides format from last year's ILP talks. These slides have "UC Berkeley Video and Image Processing Lab" at the top and are displayed in color. The files you'll need are Let me know if there are any problems with these files.

Weekly Lunch Talks

Group meetings for the Fall 1998 semester shall be 1:00pm - 3:00pm every Friday in the Wang Room. There are no scheduled talks for the semester.


UCB Video & Image Processing Lab / Nelson L. Chang / 1 September 1998